Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Nightmare On Elm Street

A Nightmare On Elm Street was the first horror movie I saw, and it was love at first sight.  ANOES was what first got me into scary films.  With all it's terrible special affects and no name actors, this movie would have sucked with out it's highly original plot and great director.  Created and directed by Wes Craven in 1984 (who also directed The Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, Scream, and many other cult classics)  the movie became an instant hit among the fans of the recently established "slasher" horror movie genre.

The plot of ANOES goes something like this: [spoiler alert]

A group of friends begin having strange nightmares of a man who's skin is burned and has knives for fingers.  Although they suspect something's up the don't do anything for awhile, until they all start dying!  One by one the friends are being killed off and none of the adults believe them in what's going on.  Eventually it's down to only 2 teens left.  One of which is killed by being sucked into a hole in his bed and having who knows what to done to him, but what ever it was there was nothing left of him except more blood than one,or possibly 3 people could have had in their entire body.  The remaining girl is told the story of Freddy Krueger, the child murderer that the parents of the Ohio town burned alive, and figures out he is the one murdering them in their dreams.  She is able to defeat him only after her mother is killed.  Of course wether she actually defeated him is a mystery since the ending is quite odd, but since there are 7 sequels I guess she didn't.

I definitely recommend this movie, but only if you can stand watching a bunch of dumb teens getting killed in horrible fashions, and you can take some cheesy 80's special effects. ^^ 

 btw this is the first movie Johnny Depp was ever in, if that's any incentive to watch it. ;p

Friday, January 30, 2009

Heyy my first Blog!

So Hi ppl from Mr. LaCombe's classes. um i'm not really sure what to say so yeah... laters  

btw that picture, yeah that one right the left of this post...yeah that one. it's a piture of johnny c. ,  and if you don't know who that is then google it.