Friday, January 30, 2009

Heyy my first Blog!

So Hi ppl from Mr. LaCombe's classes. um i'm not really sure what to say so yeah... laters  

btw that picture, yeah that one right the left of this post...yeah that one. it's a piture of johnny c. ,  and if you don't know who that is then google it.


  1. Good work. Play with the layout a bit and stretch the possibilities. Try to incorporate audio and video, and also put in a couple of "gadgets" (see Blogger Dashboard). Transform your blog into a theme about something you're intereted in and try to post a little something every day. I keep a file of possible ideas when they come up, and work with them a little here and there. Great work!

  2. Hmmm....he looks like one of the characters from Invader Zim or whatever

  3. omg you're so weird i love you kellie! the music on here is frikken awesome and scary and great! ^.^

  4. Johnny C. is the shiz :)
    And don't make me kill you for your grammer, okies hun? Lol you're so weird.
