Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sleepaway Camp

This movie is the only one thats numbered on my horror movie do not see list, this is because out of all the scary movies in the world this is the one that you would rather be in the the Texas Chainsaw Massacre before watching it.

Unfortunately there are some people who will tell you that this movie is great and try (repeatedly) to get you to see the sequel.  Do NOT believe them.

The only reason I bother writing this review is so other do not make the mistake of watching this movie that would make a Uwe Boll film look good.

It starts off as a horrible spin off of Friday the 13th, complete with an accidental drowning of a young boy in a camp lake.  The story then resumes years later, with the boy's sister who is now in her teens, at the camp.  Although the plot is slightly similar to the beloved slasher film, Friday the 13th, the plot is the only thing related.

Worse acting then an elementary school play, actually, in fact,  I think I've seen elementary school kids act better than then even the girl playing the main character.

The story goes on with it's horrible rendition of F13th, with a perverted/rapist camp cook, stupid teens, even stupider councilors.  The awkward sister of the boy is abused, beaten, and sexually harassed and kids are dying, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out who's doing it.

Then at the very end the girl kills the boy she liked and one of the other kids sees it, and much more.  Because, of course, the girl really isn't a girl in fact it's the boy all along and it was really the sister who was a killed and their crazy aunt made him be a girl because she already had a son.  And yes you know it's definitely boy with the a horrible shot of full frontal male nudity, oh and yes the male parts are on a creature that is covered in blood, gore, and looks like a girl.

So if that ending doesn't scare you off then I don't know what the heck is wrong with you, but trust me don't watch that movie.


  1. Now you're talking horror movies! Ok, so now, dig up as much info as you can on the remake of THE WOLFMAN with Benecio Del Toro! The world is waiting to know what you find!!!!

  2. sounds scaryy!!!
    i might just watch it!!

  3. i'm going to have to agree with you there.

  4. A movie which I noticed in Hollywood; one I will never watch again so long as I have voluntary control over my bodily functions. Bleh.


    (PS: Roxas kicks Sora's Butt.)
